Saturday, December 02, 2006

Yes! I`m back with some stacy pic`s!

What can i say? There has`nt been any updates on here in close to 4 months due to a severe lack of any news on what exactly stacy is upto these days.
Well there has been some news recently that stacy has signed a deal with Disney to appear in both films and tv shows so i`ll keep my eyes open for further news.
I am thinking of closing this page down to be honest so any comments would be great. So here`s few pic`s taken from a Stuff magazine shoot our Stacy did a good while ago!Hope you like them.Phil


Anonymous said...

Good to see a new post in here phil.
I do check back frequently to see stacy pic`s on your blog as they are usually th best around,sad to hear you may close this page down though :( In the meantime keep up the good work!
Carl and the gang.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics.

Don't close the page! It's always nice to visit back you're bored and want to... well... ya know ;-)